In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Oh My English!!! OXYMORON =p

Dear Diary,

I love English! Chewaaahhhh!

Serious. Sya suka English (wlwpon TAK-la tere English kan) sampai Sya rasa nak ambik 2nd degree or 2nd master in English Language (rajin la sangattt nak g klas!)

OK. Sya nak share pasal OXYMORON! Rasanya mesti ramai yang tengok movie Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close last Sat/Sun kan? Kat HBO rasa nya. Tak sure. Sya excited nak tengok sebab Tom Hanks berlakon. Teros terbayang cerita The Da Vinci Code.

Cerita nya OK je. Tapi banyak elements surprise. Creative kan orang putih nih. Tu belom masok pelakon kanak-kanak dorang yang memang superb hebat!! (lagi-lagi kalau cite antu! hoho)

Yang paling Sya suka scene Oskar ngan ayah dia (Tom Hanks tu-la) & Oskar ngan atuk dia dalam subway, main oxymoron wars.

For those yang  tak taw, Oxymoron (comes from Greek word) is a figure of speech that combines contradictory terms. Faham kan? Hehehe. Nih antara words yang dorang guna during their cute-fights;

Deafening Silence
Original Copy
Found Missing
Clearly Confused
Living Dead
Almost Exactly
Genuine Imitation
Accidentally on Purpose
Student Teacher
Jumbo Shrimp

Cute kan?? Nak ajak Abah fight gak ar.. Dulu kecik2 kalau lawan vocab ngan abah mesti kalah. Skang rasa nya confirm menang! Hahahahaha


  1. kenapa i tak tau pasal cerita ni? Huwaaaa T_T

    1. Ad! tengok La Cha.. hbo kn suke ulang byk kali sampai muntah

      Sya siap record movie nih taw. Pastu tengok byk kaLi esp scene oxymoron wars tu. ps2 explain kat sume org (wlwpon sume cam xminat). hahahaha

  2. hahahaha kene tengok cenggini.. mcm bestt.. dari gaya sya ni.. hikhik

  3. sweett..lama x tgok je.. -_-

    1. same La.. Layan HBO je. xpon astro best/first. ps2 record. bLeh tgk 4juta kaLi! hehehe

  4. ala fyqa kat hostel... xleh nengok tb.. sob3!

  5. Macam besh je cite ni. Sha xde hbo. Tapi boleh donlod. Nk carila. First time denga pasal oxymoron. Blaja benda br. Suke3. Sya mesti speaking berabuk ni. ;)

    1. berabok. sbb byk mende xhengat! hahaha

      download taw. Sya suke sbb byk mende, words, phrases yg tersirat. eceh
      so bLeh pk2 sket La.. tp xLa se-complicated da vinci code kan. sampai rs nk muntah sbb terlampaw pk! hahaha

  6. english ku jahanam di saat temuduga last week.. haih tension lak rasa.. hahaha.

    1. hehe. saba yang..
      slalu prob time interview bkn English tp self-confidence. xpe, psni update etry fuLL engLish. hehehehehe
