In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Kesan jatuh terduduk

Dear Diary,

I don't know whether is anyone out there ever experienced this or not. But I am (I can still feel the pain)!

Last Sat I was having classes at Shah Alam. So I went to KL on Fri evening and stayed at this one homestay until Sun. On Sun morning (yesterday), this thing happened.

It started with something funny - I love to playing around with Aiman. Well my sister was there too but she's not joining us-lah since we are kasar-type. So I gave him a kick. Well..ladies kick which almost makes him fall down from bed. But almost jek. So, macam biase, in return, he gave his too (his kick-la) which I also almost jatuh from katil. But when I was  in the position of "almost jatoh"-suddenly he gave me another kick which really pushed me and jatoh katil badly. I was like flew from katil! I can feel my body flying pastu landing so hardd dengan position terduduk. Imagine my montot hold my whole weight (juz imagine!) Well, senang-  jatuh secara duduk! My sister laughed so loud for few seconds and suddenly stopped when she heard me crying (meraung sebenarnya). Aiman kept saying sorry (naik lorry lah!).

Iskk2.. this fella kan..suka main over taw!

I told him I was fine. We went out for a lunch but in the car (when he went out to pay for petrol at petronas), I whispered to my sister. I said it really hurts. I cannot even breath properly. Every move I  made will cause me sakit tahap dewa!

I drove to perak and able to come to work today ( I had to - because I need to handle MQA Visit today. huhu) Right after the visit, I quickly went to our panel and got myself checked. Doctor said my soft tissue is injured and he wanted to give me an injection. Again, I refused as I was so afraid of injection (mengong!)

So I asked for other options and he suggested me to put some ice on the affected area. (Sangat malu doc lelaki check and even worse when today I'm wearing inner kaler merah.damn! I shuld learn from "American Next top Model" - a model must wear inner colour skin okkayyy. menci2! maLu!( Eh, model ker?? haha)

Doc said cannot walk or sit too long. Cannot bend, cannot carry anything heavy and cannot wear heels (sambiL glance at my heels). But what I want to share here is that I read an article in a mag (Pengantin if I'm not mistaken), it was mentioned that perempuan should avoid from jatuh secara duduk bcz takut rahim jatuh. I asked the doctor too. He said he cannot confirm on that (takmo bagi Sya risaw la tu)

Then I did some search and found some info about "slipped disc". whoaaa..seram makk..

This one I got from a blog, Slipped disc secara ringkas bermaksud tulang belakang yang “teralih” atau “mengelongsor dari kedudukan asal. Ini disebabkab oleh gel antara tulang yang berfungsi menyerap tekanan telah bocor seterusnya mengakibatkan alihan. Apabila ini terjadi, tulang akan menekan pula saraf-saraf yang mengawal anggota badan.

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