In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Engagement Preps : Bunting Murah

Dear Diary

At first xde plan pon nak ade bunting ke ape..tetibe jek rasa cam nak ade bunting. Memandangkan Sya xde seni macam some B2B bloggers yg rajin buat DIY projects, centerpiece, candle buffet, etc. So I opt for having a bunting utk menceriakan suasana.eceh! hehehe

So, Sya google and opened And terjumpa ads by Mr Anas. Sent sms (cepat betul reply) and on da dot Sya aggreed with his quotation.

Harge? RM60 for 2 pcs bunting. Murah tak???
Since Sya kat Kampar, Sya request supaya bunting tu di-pos kan ke office (xsuke pos kat rumah sebab kadang2 xde org). And I have to pay RM10. So total is RM70 inc postage. Murah tak??

Sya xtaw la if out there ade yg Lg murah but for me ni da kire murah!

Malam ntu jugak Sya email En Anas on what I want and how my bunting is supposed to look like. Sya suke simple. Theme Kuning. That's all. Sya xnak gambar. Yang tu confirm! Reason - sebab memang takde gambar yang seswai. Gamba ade banyak, tp takot makcik, pakcik2, orang suraw (utk bacaan yassin) terkejot puLak nengok pic kitorang. hehehehehe.guraw!

So, no picture. That's confirmed. And the next day, En Anas sent me a design yang die da prepared. Sya suke. Simple. Hehehe

OK x???

Sya teros transfer RM70 to his account. Tak sabar nak tunggu bunting sampai. Hopefully cepat la.. I got less than 2 weeks b4 my small engagement ceremony.

For those yang interested untuk buat bunting, pls contact Mr Anas

Details ;
En Anas
HP : 012-6049631
email :

Doa ye supaya bunting Sya sampai cepat! =)

*For 1 pc bunting including stand Mr Anas quoted me RM 70. Tp Aiman ade byk stand. tp xtaw la match ke x, kan.. xpe..kLW xLeh stand, kite hang jek kt tepi khemah. hehehe*


  1. wahhhhh ada props! best2...bunting ni buat kat mana dear???

    1. itu je La yg mampu..DIY mmg mustahiL La kan..hoho

      jumpe ads kat mudah.teros order (boleh cenggitu??huhu)
      die base kt Kuala Kangsar xsilap.2yg kene pos tu..

  2. wah bertunang siap ada banner. kerrrlaaaasss kau maria!!! :p

    1. itu je La pen-ceria suasane.mende Laen xde..huhu
