In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Friday, May 20, 2016

piko-piko made available in fashion valet

assalamualaikum wbt

dear diary

happy fri-yayyyy!!!

ingat tak sya pernah post pasal piko-piko sebelum ni? 

haritu kan nak beli tak sempat, so this time when they announced that these bags will be made available in fashion valet, harus la sya merembes.

this time dah tekad dah, nak grab 3 colours. 
ha ko. sampai 3! 
actually satu tu nak bagi as a gift to someone. 

six colours available.  ada satu colour ni sya aim tapi takde pulak. 

so what happened this time?

ni antara colours yang sya dah aim. 

again, sya lambat 5 minutes..
so these colour harus la sold out kan.


but... fret not. sya dapat secure satu. though sya paling merembes yang warna hitam, tapi yang ni pon one of favorite colours jugak.

ok, tak sabar nak tunggu sampai.

owh, these bags can be purchased offline too. 
boleh terus pergi fashion valet bangsar. 

so, siapa dah beli piko-piko? 
jom pakai sama-sama. 
sepp sikit! 

ok, bye (dato' aliff syukri)


  1. uiihh cntik gak ni..

    eh awk yg tnya psl perlaking kan.. heee.. kalau tnya kelebihan, inshaaALLAH yang beli pasti tak nyesal. sbb semua ad feedback tersdiri =)

    1. cantek. hehe

      kite cari utk mak kite. nk kene stdy ni. ade certain tu utk org2 muda ok, utk org berumur xjalan.. huhu. tgh stdy testimoni. hahaha. semangat nk bg kat mak. hahaha
