In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Friday, July 20, 2012

Found this Auction Website - Qoo10

Dear Diary

Last few days I was checking my email when suddenly I noticed ada satu small ads ni. Well, I am NOT addicted to online shopping but this one looks very nice. I explored few stuffs by different sellers and some are way cheaper to death "murah nak mampos")

Check this out Qoo10 previously known as Gmarket.

I think it's quite new but it's worth the price. serius memang murah!

You can add their facebook too

From what I've read.. there are quite a number of buyers who faced problems like -payment not detected-la, item tak sampai-sampai, etc. But jangan risaw. Most of them are efficiently solved! Hehe. Still seram kan??huhu

OK, actually Qoo10 nih is a secured aution website. Why?? Because buyers payment (RM) must be paid to Qoo10 and NOT the seller directly. Once buyers received the items, then only the payment will be disbursed to the sellers' acc. That's why the Qoo10's policy for refund is quite simple. They really attend to any dispute case as reported by the buyers. (Ayat dah macam Im part of them pulak kan..hahaha)

So, far I am interested with this

It's Fuji Instax 7s
Price?? RM 169 including postage? Murah kan??
Plan to buy the blue colour =)

# The Instant Film is kinda make me jiwa kacaw. RM25 for 10pcs. Meaning that sekeping picture will cost me RM2.50!! So, kena jimat. Hadoii..

Note : Just placed an order but a bit confused with some of its features. still exploring.. (Not very user-friendly la this page! huhu)

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Engagement Door gift : Glass Jar RM1

Dear Diary

Still remember this? OK. I've decided to order from Lurvering Doorgift. Serius murah sampai Sya ter-fikir, scam ker nih???hohohohoho

But NO. I've seen her updates - in blog, fb.. memang bz La Kak Rai nih (maw xbz???) Memang murah giler! Mane nak cari glass jar siap sticker + ribbon RM 1 jek??boleh cari?? OK, fine..kalau buat sendiri mungkin Lagi jimat tapi jimat berapa sen je? Tu belom campor kos peluh yang menitis (tadi ter-taip menitits. kes??) sbb nk menampaL La, hape La..dapat Lak tangan tak de seni (like me), mmg xjimat La! makin banyak kos adeee!sebab nk re-print and mcm2 Lg.

So RM 1 utk 1 glass jar pada saye memang sangat-sangat berbaloi!!!

Tapi dek kerana terlampaw berbaloi nih, maka until today Sya xdapat Lagi design nye dek kerana Kak Rai ter-sangat bz (saye faham..) Sya percaye kt Kak Rai cume of course sedikit cuak tu memang wujud-lah di benak hati nih! hoho

Hopefully K.Rai xoverlook la.. Hopefully K.Rai xLupe.. Hopefully mine siap as what we've planned/discussed before.. Hopefully cantik Lah hendaknya.. aminn

Note : Nih bukan entry kata-kata sinis or xpuas hati. Cume harapan/sedikit kerisauan yang nak Sya taipkan dalam diary modern Sya nih. harap no one kecik ati.

Sya mintak design cmni. simple. cuma colour tukar pade kuning. ribbon pon request warna kuning. Cantik ker?? "Mesti cantik!" Fikir Positif. ("Mesti Sempat". Tambah dalam hati)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Pedih Ulu Hati

Dear Diary

Sya memang ade problem pedih ulu hati nih. Since dulu lagi. And even weird bila ada among my friends yang even tak pernah experienced pedih ulu hati nih camne..

Bila difikirkan balik, kira agak banyak kali gak terjadi. Last jadik rasanya last month. Sampai tido pon susah. Asyik terjage. Perkara wajib kalaw kena pedih ulu hati nih (for me-la) is Tiger Balm!

Arini jadi lagi (pedih ulu hati). Da sapu minyak but still tak OK. Tak boleh jadih nih, esok keje, buatnye tak boleh tdo, alamat nye susah la nak bangun tdo esok pagi!! So, I decided to bangun dari katil, bukak laptop, and google here and there looking for some tips to cure and avoid pedih ulu hati. So I want to share here with all readers. Hopefully it is usefull not only for me but all of you (readers) as well.

Pedih Ulu Hati? Apa tu???
Turut dikenali sebagai ‘gastroesophageal reflux’ (GER) atau heartburn.
Pedih ulu hati ialah disebabkan oleh asid perut yg menggangu kawasan bawah esofagus. Ia terjadi kerana injap di bahagian atas perut dikenali sebagai lower esophageal sphincter(LES) yg tidak tertutup dengan betul. Asid ini memasuki esofagus yang tidak mempunyai lapisan penebat bahan kimia. Ini akan menyebabkan kesan kimia terjadi.

Cara merawat

1. Antasid.

Ia bertindak meneutralkan asid perut, namun jika diambil dalam kuantiti berlebihan boleh menyebabkan sembelit (elakkan penyediaan yang mengandungi sodium atau aluminium). Rawatannya pantas tetapi dalam bentuk jangka pendek.

2. Penghalang H2, penyekat pam proton (pengurang asid)

Ia menyerap ke dalam saliran darah untuk mengurangkan penghasilan asid dalam perut. Tetapi kaedah ini tidak disyorkan ketika mengandung.

3. Alginates

Dihasilkan daripada rumpai laut coklat iaitu laminaria hyperborea. Ia tidak diserap dalam saluran darah dan disahkan secara klinikal memberi kelegaan untuk pedih ulu hati ketika mengandung. Contoh ubatan yang mengandungi alginates adalah Gaviscon.

Alginate menghasilkan satu penghalang kuat yang seakan terapung apabila ia bertemu asid perut. Kandungan apungan di bahagian atas menghalang asid daripada bertemu dengan esofagus.

4. Semasa tidur, naikkan kepala katil anda sebanyak enam hingga lapan inci dengan meletakkan blok kayu di bawah kaki katil. Penggunaan bantal sahaja tidak akan membantu.

Cara Mengatasi/Mengelakkan Pedih Ulu Hati (Sya bold perkara-perkara yang sangat mempengaruhi pedih ulu hati derdasarkan pengalaman saye sendiri)

1. Ambil hidangan dalam jumlah yang kecil tetapi kerap.

2. Kunyah dengan perlahan setiap kali makan. Jangan tergopoh-gapah.

3. Elakkan makanan-makanan berikut:
- mengandungi rempah
- pedas
- menggunakan banyak perasa
- berlemak
- kafein
- berpudina
- alkohol

4. Pakai pakaian yang longgar terutama di sekitar perut.

5. Duduk dengan selesa. Jangan lakukan pergerakan seperti melipat badan yang menyebabkan bahagian perut diasak.

6. Jangan membongkok ketika mengambil barang.

7. Lakukan senaman ringan seperti berjalan kaki secara sederhana.

8. Elakkan berbaring atau tidur dalam masa tiga jam selepas makan.

9. Jangan merokok.

10. Biarkan minuman panas sejuk sebentar sebelum diminum.

11. Cuba kawal pertambahan berat badan. Dapatkan berat badan seperti yang disyorkan.


# Selalu jugak minum Gaviscon bile pedih ulu hati. Tapi same jek! Huhuhu. Maybe tak serasi dengan Sya kot..

Spanx Official Website

Dear Diary

I've visited Spanx official website several times before I decided to buy my first piece from Iza (she's great! strongly receommended! i'll review about my first piece of Spanx once I received it from her).

OK, masa view website Spanx, tercari-cari jugak La malaysia kan sebab nak taw shipping cost, etc camne. But tak jumpa. The nearest pon Singapore or Indonesia =(

But today, I received newsletter from Spanx and I'm interested with its legwear. Saje-saje view website die. And suddenly ternampak "Malaysia". Makkk aihh.. terkejut tp excited. Does it mean that we can direct order from Spanx after this? Tapi bape RM pulak shipping fee nye? Hmm.. ntah-la!

OK, tengok nih! Nampak tak Malaysia??

Click to view larger image

Owh.. saya anak Malaysia.. saya anak Malaysia..hoho (excited nampak "Malaysia"! Hehe)

Nak explore jap! Bye! Hehehe

Crest 3D Whitestrips (Professional Effects)

Dear Diary

Hahaha. It's very funny.. Today I had opened and used 3D Crest Whitestrips for the first time! Actually I bought this online around 2 months ago from Kina (Theshopablog)
(nampak tak sya suka beli benda merapu?! hahaha)

OK, so today is my first day using it. I read the instruction and tried my first strip. well, wrong method! Hahahaha. I peeled it and put on the upper teeth BUT I pasted it on my gum too! Hahaha (mengong!). I felt uncomfortable (merembes air liur makkk!!huhu), then I decided to peel it off. So, wasted my 1st strip. I opened few videos (youtube) on the right way to apply the strips.

So, I gave a try on another strip. Still uncomfortable to me. Will update later.

*Initial plan is nak start guna during Bulan Puasa. Because x mo spoil minom coffee! Tapi tak sabo punya pasal.. hoho*

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

McDonald Coupon / Voucher July 2012

Dear Diary

Esok nak makan McD!


Dear Diary

Ntah sejak bile suke sangat dengan Nescafe Mocha nih.. Tapi Nescafe memang penting dalam hidop! Serius. Kalaw exam tak ade Nescafe boleh fail! Tak tipu. Kalaw exam jek mesti da ready dengan stock Nescafe (white coffee).

Tapi aritu (23 June 2012), Kak Liza (classmate) kate Nescafe kaler purple tu pon best jugak! ker??

So once exam da abes, as usual, Sya spent some time with Aiman (Rindunye..tskk..tsk..). So ternampak Nescafe mocha yang tin tu. Grabbed one, tapi tak minum pon.

Sekarang? Almost everyday mesti ade 1 tin Nescafe mocha on my table. Serious best! I’m not addicted to caffeine, tapi Nescafe mocha?? A must have!! Huhu

*Kadang-kadang sengaje buat-buat mengantok so that boleh ask staff to pergi kantin belikan.hehe*

Tapi tak pernah jumpe yang macam nih? Ada ke kat Malaysia nih???