In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Red Guara Cafe (RGC)

Dear Diary

Mesti pelek. Why all of sudden I highlight pasal red Guara Cafe pulak nih?? OK, again.. Sya bukan dealer. This is my blog diary, and I just want to share..

OK. Masa sem 3 kat UiTM dulu, berat Sya 58kg. Naik 3 kg sebab bahagia dengan Aiman (serius! and sekarang lagi dahsyat sebab bertambah bahagia. hoho). Then, kebetulan, I accompanied my housemate to do facial treatment kat satu spa nih (spa dalam umah. so agak murah la.. huhu. tp few months after akak tu pindah ke pekan sungai petani. Sya da bayar pakej sauna. tak sempat nak buat.. Iskk..)

Then time tu, akak tu promote Red Guara Cafe (sebab tak larat nak dengar Sya membebel pasal nak kurus). Recommended dek beliaw. So, Sya OK jek sebab memikirkan coffee je pon.. kalau tak kurus pon, at least boleh minum kalaw nak stay up malam2.. OK, so I bought it.

Sya minum, and Sya turun almost 3 kg. Lepas tu coffee tu habis and Sya tak beli lagi da.. (Sebab malas nak mencari kt kedai.beli pon because akak tu offer kan..)

Habis cerita. So, motif share pasal RGC disini??

Camni.. Last night, I read Metro Newspaper. rasanye newspaper last Sun (baru nak baca. sadis kan..?) Then ter-baca column something like "info sihat" written by..*forgot his name. But I remember I've seen his blog before.

So, he mentioned several methods la untuk turun kan berat badan..exercise, makan, sauna, macam-macam la.

Tapi yang menarik nya, he mentioned that "guara" is used to increase metabolism and loose weight. So, teringat pasal Red Guara Cafe (RGC) nih. So, habis kerja-balik rumah-mandi-went to tesco-cari kedai-kedai jamu-bought RGC! Hehehe. Semangat? Saye taw.. tak perlu email saye untuk bagitau. hehehe

Price? RM27.50 for 20 sachets. Memandangkan I have no bargaining skill, so akak tu bagi RM27. discount 5posen jek. jadi la...

So, this morning Sya minum air RGC nih as breakfats. and Sya amik sekeping roti wholemeal. kenyang la jugak sampai sekarang..huhuhu

Kepade yang interested, boleh cuba..dun worry, tak mahal..tak nih pon sedap!

Pic saye google shj

Anything to share? Please..please do so. Sharing is caring kan.. =)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Diet paling berkesan. Turun berat badan paling cepat. Diet? Herbalife? Exercise?

Dear Diary,

Title post paling panjang rase nye.. Dah macam sawan kalau baca! Kalaw title panjang, isi nya jangan cakap la kan..

OK. Sya admit. Sya memang hangat-hangat taik ayam. Shit! Taik ayam pon lagi hangat dari semangat nak kurus saye nih! (hati tengah hangat tak hengat!)

Malam tadi (9 pm) saye makan Spicy Chicken McDeluxe McDonald.

Saye nak diet : Dam*!! Kata nak diet! Apa nih??Tipu??

Saye nak makan: Memang nak diet. tapi esok baru start. Owh..tak.. Isnin kot..

Saye nak diet : Kott??? Da beli HerbaLife kan.kata nak start diet!

Saye nak makan: Taw.. tapi nak enjoy makan dulu. Nanti baru start betoL2.

Saye nak diet : Tak sayang duet ker? da beli tapi tak minum.tak diet..

Saye nak makan: Erk..saye beLi kat ebay. Murah..

Saye nak diet : Ko bukan ker nak tunang? nak pegi reunion? nak pakai baju cantik???!

Saye nak makan: Aaaaaa..tension nye!!

Saye nak diet : OK, dah ade idea. Kite boleh makan tapi mesti diet jugak. Deal??

Saye nak makan: OK. Deal!!!

Tettt! Apa motif conversation seLekeh kat atas???

Sya da taw punca Sya nak diet tapi tak diet2 jugak!!

OK, saye fikirkan menda nih da Lame.. biLe buat keje, Sya terfikir.. bila drive Sya terfikir.. biLa dalam toiLet Sya terfikir.. biLa shopping baju, memang fikir sangat la kan.. Lagi-lagi bile Sya terpaksa approach SA then tanye
"baju nih size L ada?"
"Miss, saya nak yang besa sikit. Yang ni just muat-muat (padahaL tak muat!)"

Owh.. rasa malu dengan diri sendiri.

Semalam mak tegur. "Asal gemok sangat ko ni Long?"
and of course followed by other penghinaan especially from my father. Tak buat kerja rumah la..makan fast food pon sampai deliver kat rumah pasal malas sangat nak jalan dari kereta ke kaunter!kejadahh???

OK.. Sya admit!saye bukan malas nak jalan. Sya malas nak tunggu. Wahhhh!!

So, Sya nak cuba new method for diet.

1. Sya akan breakfast.
Suggestion : A cup of coffee and wheatmeal bisc/bread
OR a glass of herbalife shake (kalaw sempat blend. huhu)
Time : 7.30am - 8.00 am

2. minum pagi (optional).
Suggestion : Bisc/roti
Time : 10.00am - 10.30 am

3. Lunch
Suggestion : Bihun sup, sayur-lauk, etc. AND buah-buahan
Time : 1.00pm - 2.00pm

4. Tea time
Suggestion : wholemeal bread AND buah-buahan
Time : 5.00pm - 6.30pm

5. Dinner
Suggestion : Herbalife shake (F1 + skimmed milk)
Time : 7.00pm - 8.00 pm

The most important...

morning (before 8.00 am) I must drink at least 2 glasses of plain water
before 10.30 am -> I must drink at least 1L Herbalife Tea
before 3.00 pm -> I must drink at least 1L plain water
before 7.00 pm -> I must drink at least 1L Herbalife Tea
Before 8.00 pm -> I must drink at least 2 glasses of plain water

All exclude air yang Sya minum bile saye makan.

OK. Pagi tadi saye sudah breakfast. Baru je merasmikan my Herbalife Teamix.

So, officially, hari ini ya mula diet!!

Sya akan update whether this will turn out to be another success or not.

Speaking about exercise, I will share my idea, experience, suggestion pretty soon (yolah tu)

Kepada readers yang kebetulan baca this entry, please share with me your experience. Please.. I really need it. Hope that we can get our dream weight soon

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Glass Jar for Engagement Door gift

Dear Diary,

I've been thinking about door gift since the first day we talked about wed/engagement. Lots of things, ideas stumbled dalam kepale. I read many B2B blogs, vendors' websites, forums, etc. From there, baru Sya taw about the idea of giving glass jar (xkesah La tarok ape pon kan) as door gift utk guests. It's becoming something that is very popular now. (Tapi xpenah dapat pon..well, kt my kampong so far none of us buat camni.xpe..biar Sya buat duLu.hehehehehe)

So, here are some of the ideas...

courtesy Kina from Journey of bride to be
Lurvering. Ngeeeeeee

BTW, this evening I just transferred the deposit for my glass jar. I ordered 200 units (more than enough I think. Engagement je pon kan..) Hopefully guests suke. As for the design (sticker) nanti baru double confirm. Ribbon - I think I will request for either pink or black colour. Owh..nanti-la discuss with Aiman

Tapi nak tarok ape kt daLam??? Entah.Tengok mood kot!huhu

mixed nuts
muffin/apam poLkadot (mak deL tere buat apam polkadot.huhu.harus mintak resipi nih!!)

Mode : Sedikit Lega...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Design baju tunang Part 2: hunting kain lace

Dear Diary,

actuaLLy this supposed to be my Last month's story..or in easier way, cerita basi! huhu.
But as I said, I want to just share whatever interesting things I found, here.

So, aritu pusing-pusing cari kain lace. and I found these two shops. Quite oldskool.hehehe (new term tu..).

OK, at the first shop, I found the first lace. Exactly like what I've imagined. But colour? Limited-la... Only beige, striking yellow (like the one I uploaded here), black, striking pink and striking bLue. So, basicaLLy coLour memang Sya tak berape prefer sangat..sebab terang mak ngah!

Here are some of the pics. But sorry sangat..because seriously bLurry and tak cLear.
Reason? --> I used my sister's phone.

Yet still I bought 2m lace with beige/light choc colour. Hahaha.

Sya main lipat je without any seni applied. huhu

cLoser Look..sorry, bLurry..

This one after I combined with the plain chiffon bought 2days after =p

OK. Price? RM 20 per meter. (ActuaLLy RM25. Tapi sebab my colour tu memang almost habis, so die seLambe bagi RM20) OK-la..boLeh try and error. I dun have any experience of buying lace. Lagipon tak rugi pon if suddenly I decided to change to new design for my E!
Next, I went to another shop.Oldskool jugak.. And I found another type of lace. Quite same tapi this one is prettier. Sebab ape, more colours available and the flowers lebih timbul. Bile pegang, boleh rase benang die, obvious!hehehe

See...!more colours.These are some of them.

And I bought this lace. 2m also!

Price? OK..for this type of lace, the price is slightly higher. (Lagipon die tebal sket)

Price is RM35.. Tapi sbb kedai nak tutup and since he thought I'm a chinese girl (bile sampai teros die bagi ceramah bahase cine. Berie uncle tu mintak maaf when I said I'm a malay) so he gave me RM65 for 2m lace. Discount RM5..huhu

If u r good in bargaining, please go to the shop and mintak murah. Sya sangat tidak pandai!Sekian..

#panjang kan cite arini..weLL..cuti, memang takde keje la kan..hehehe. So, let's plan what we should do with the lace bought. Pulakkk...huhuhu

Sony Bloggie

Dear Diary,

I'm soooo excited! Aiman dah toLong amik kan sony bLoggie saye..! ngeee... pink kaLer.hehe.psni boLeh amik pic/record vid then direct transfer to pc. Tak payah sebok cr cabLe pe sume (sLaLu Lupe cabLe Letak ktne..huhu)
