In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

#syaboughtthis : mombella baby teether

assalamualaikum w.b.t.

harini saja ambik masa sikit sapu sawang. hahahhahhahaa

saja nak share pasal teether.

masa time Adam, teething toys ni bukan la satu keperluan pada Sya. tapi time Aydan kalini, lain sikit. sebab teething toys ni perlu untuk sya distract Aydan from menggaru. hahahahaha. btw, pada yang tak tau, aydan ada mild eczema. mild je ikut kan tapi sebab on-off yang quite kerap, so i need help la. lagi satu, eczema baby ni macam ada satu habit taw - menggaru. bila stress or nangis ke, mula la tangan tu nak menggaru telinga. hadoi.

ok, sambung pasal teether, at first sya plan nak beli Sophie the giraffe tu.

comel kan. jangan kata baby, mak baby pon rasa nak geget. hahahaha

tapi tengah syok-syok survey nak beli kat mana, sekali banyak pulak post pasal mold dalam Sophie the giraffe ni.

ni haaaa

pastu ada banyak la lagi yang share pictures kulat dalam toys ni.

ni Sya quote sikit apa Sya baca from The Sun Online

Dr Ackerley, The Hygiene Doctor, told The Sun Online that black mould can produce toxins that can cause allergic reactions. Moulds can produce toxins such as mycotoxins which are poisonous and which can cause allergic reactions in some people so it is best not consumed, particularly by babies.

She recommends buying toys that can be easily disinfected and dried after it has been washed to avoid it becoming stagnate inside.

then, tak jadi la beli si sophie nih.

lepas tu dah malas nak fikir, Sya google je best teethers for babies.
Keluar la semua recommended teethers dengan review and price nya sekali. Settle! hahahahaha

Sya beli mombella baby teethers.
Ada 2 jenis Sya beli:
Mombella dancing elephant teether & Mombella teether mushroom

tadaaaaa... mushroom soothing teether colour orange, dancing elephant teether tu colour blue.

So, best ke mombella teether ni?

dari segi nak basuh, sya rasa senang. lepas tu Sya suka dancing elephant tu sebab macam best pulak bend dia, picit-picit, hahaha. tapi Aydan lagi suka mushroom.

cuma yang tak syok nya, dia main gigit-gigit 3-4 minit, sekali dia ternampak baby wipes / wet tissue, terus campak teether, merangkak nak ambik wet tissue pulak. iskkkk..

still can't beat this - Aydan's favourite.
pantang dapat, mesti nak masuk mulut, gigit+hisap hujung tu. uwaaaaaa

ok, sya nak share tu je harini.

ok,bye !


  1. Aydan?

    wah baby baru ea. ALLAH nampak sangat lama yui tak snggah


    selalu baca nama adam je =)

  2. teether je kot pinas tong teng..haihhhhh
