In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Are you a: Tea Drinker OR Coffee Drinker?

Dear Diary

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

This is too cute that I decided to put it on this blog. Hehehehe


Here’s what type of person you are based on your tea or coffee consumption:
1. Tea drinkers meditate; coffee drinkers medicate.
2. Tea drinkers are as loose as their leaves; coffee drinkers are as grounded as their beans.
3. Tea drinkers take a break; coffee drinkers need a break.
4. Tea drinkers are high-noon; coffee drinkers are morning, noon and night.
5. Tea drinkers take it slow; coffee drinkers are looking for a rush.
6. Tea drinkers are looking to kick back; coffee drinkers are looking for a kick.
7. Tea drinkers know no time constraints; coffee drinkers know to cut it off by 3 pm.
8. Tea drinkers are about rainy days; coffee drinkers are early mornings.
9. Tea drinkers see the mug half-full; coffee drinkers see it to the bottom.
10. Tea drinkers work outside the lines; coffee drinkers work to meet deadlines.
11. Tea drinkers don’t need caffeine; coffee drinkers would inject it, if possible.
12. Tea drinkers like to stew; coffee drinkers like to brew.
13. Tea drinkers bag it up; coffee drinkers like their sugar in the raw.
14. Tea drinkers like a little flavor; coffee drinkers like it extra bold.
15. Tea drinkers like it piping hot; coffee drinkers like it with the pipe.
16. Tea drinkers are fixing up; coffee drinkers need their fix.
17. Tea drinkers lie down to bed; coffee drinkers need it to get out.
18. Tea drinkers keep thoughts; coffee drinkers keep notebooks.
19. Tea drinkers eat biscuits; coffee drinkers don’t eat anything.
20. Tea drinkers ask questions; coffee drinkers answer them.
21. Tea drinkers are soothing; coffee drinkers are brooding.
22. Tea drinkers can let it wait; coffee drinkers sip their weight in coffee.
23. Tea drinkers do it for the enjoyment; coffee drinkers do it with a purpose.
24. Tea drinkers ponder; coffee drinkers argue.
25. Tea drinkers read; coffee drinkers write.
26. Tea drinkers cross wires; coffee drinkers get wired.
27. Tea drinkers need to relax; coffee drinkers don’t need the laxative.
28. Tea drinkers feel close to home; coffee drinkers are imported.
29. Tea drinkers put their hands around you; coffee drinkers’ are shaky.
30. Tea drinkers come from a box; coffee drinkers have an origin.
31. Tea drinkers are just starting out; coffee drinkers are aficionados.
32. Tea drinkers sip on a moment; coffee drinkers gulp it down.
33. Tea drinkers are strict; coffee drinkers are addicts.
34. Tea drinkers savor the day; coffee drinkers live it.
35. Tea drinkers are romance and fantasy; coffee drinkers are passion and efficiency.
36. Tea drinkers have a preference; coffee drinkers don’t discriminate.
37. Tea drinkers are found in libraries; coffee drinkers are found in bookshops.
38. Tea drinkers spill the milk; coffee drinkers spill the beans.
39. Tea drinkers are imaginative; coffee drinkers are productive.
40. Tea drinkers are high-society; coffee drinkers are low-brow.
41. Tea drinkers blow on their tea, coffee drinkers exhale cigarette smoke.
42. Tea drinkers will double-bag it; coffee drinkers will give you a double shot.
43. Tea drinkers don’t mind it too weak; coffee drinkers don’t mind it too bold.
44. Tea drinkers know what’s buzz-worthy; coffee drinkers know a good buzz.
45. Tea drinkers like fine china; coffee drinkers are fine with paper.
46. Tea drinkers have some spice; coffee drinkers have some bitterness.
47. Tea drinkers steep in their cups; coffee drinkers get deep inside.
48. Tea drinkers simmer just fine; coffee drinkers get heated.
49. Tea drinkers stir the pot; coffee drinkers warm up to you.
50. Tea drinkers comfort you when you’re sick; coffee drinkers comfort you when you’re tired.

Sya - coffee drinker. Hehehehehe, Tapi sekarang tengah nak switch to tea. Reason - sebab makin hari, makin tak cukup. Mula-mula 1 cup je, then naik jadi 1 cup morning, 1 cup after lunch. Takleh jadi nih... Kalau takde coffee, satu keje pon tak boleh buat. Bulan puasa dah dekat. Better practice sekarang. Huhuhu


  1. more prefer green tea compare to coffee

  2. Sy coffee drinker jgk! Mana ye nk cari coffee shop yg oldies tp halal kat kampar?

  3. fadh coffee addicted ! hahaha...sgt2 hidup kalo ade caffein..time preggy pown bantaiii coffee kata xelok, tp kite berpada2 je la kan..mnum kopi kan sunnah..hehe

  4. Me depends on mood. Bila time nak coffee, carik coffee. Tea pulak hanya minum detox tea once in 2 days haha ;p

    1. Saya pendatang baru di room ini ingin mengucapkan terima kasih banyak kepada KI KUNCORO karna berkat bantuan Angka togel 4D 8259 yang AKI berikan ternyata benar-benar tembus dan alhamdulillah AKI saya menang angka sebanyak Rp 210 juta dalam bentuk uang Indonesia saya menang banyak karna saya pasang angka KI KUNCORO dari 5 bandar di sini,saya tidak tau harus berbuat apa untuk membalas kebaikan AKI,awalnya saya kurang yakin dengan angka yang AKI berikan kalau ternyata alhamdulillah saya menang 4D lagi dan kalau boleh saya jujur AKI sudah berapa banyak peramal di internet yang saya hubungi tidak ada satupun yang tembus malahan hutang-hutang saya bertambah banyak tapi dengan bantuan AKI kini kehidupan saya jauh lebih sukses dari pada sebelumnya ini dan alhamdulillah saya ada rencana pulang kampung AKI karna sudah 4 tahun di SINGAPURA jadi pembantu rumah tangga tidak perna pulang ke indonesia tapi karna bantuan AKI saya akan pulang ketemu ke dua orang tua saya itu semua berkat bantuan AKI jadi bagi teman-teman pencinta togel yang tidak pernah merasakan kemenangan 4D silahkan hubungi KI KUNCORO di nomor : 0823 1332 9888 atau bisa anda >>>KLIK DI SINI<<< Karna angka yang di berikan KI KUNCORO saya sudah buktikan dalam 5 putaran ini tidak perna meleset dan saya pastikan anda tidak akan kecewah dan anda jangan mudah tergiur dengan janji-janji saatnya kita perlu bukti cuma KI KUNCORO yang menjamin 100% kemenangan.kalau mau bukti hubungi sekarang....? DARI SAYA IBU LISA TKI DARI SINGAPURA
