In the name of ALLAH.. The Most Gracious and Most Merciful

I seek Your refuge from grief and distress, old age and laziness, miserliness and cowardice. I seek Your refuge from the burden of being in debt and from being overcome by men. Aamiin.

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Elppt + Nescafe = 🤒

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Dear Diary

Malaysia; Wed; 30th Dec; 03.20 am

Two sachets of Nescafe. Elppt punya pasal. Urghhhhh

Mishhyoumyoldblogbutdoihavetodeleteyou. Sobsob

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

The Other Woman ??

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.

Dear Diary

Harini boringgg sangat. Boss cuti, akak bilik sebelah pon cuti, training pulak takde dalam schedule hari ni, so pagi-pagi lagi dah merayau dalam facebook. Hahaha. Cam biasa la.. Sekarang memang favourite bukak facebook tengok videos orang share. Mentang-mentang kat sini internet usage memang tak kena monitor. Kemaen taw! Kadang-kadang sampai meleleh hinguss pasal ramai suka share videos touching-touching. Uhukk. I is super sensitipp sekarang! Huhuhu

One of my friends pagi-pagi da share status that she just watched a movie tajuk dia The Other Woman. Ni cerita tahun lepas sebenarnya. Tapi yang bikin hot sebab ramai la mengomen pasal status my friend ni pasal my friend ni jenis ala-ala anti/against marriage sikit. Pasal dia witness banyak sangat failed relationships kot. Ntah. But she's not to be blamed.. Sya doa dia jumpa lelaki yang betul-betul deserve dia. Aminn.. pasal kawan Sya tu comel. Baik.. Pandai.. Independent.. 

OK, most of the comments tu, bercakap pasal relationship la. Ada yang kutuk lelaki zaman sekarang memang unfaithful (tak semua), Sya nak print scrn comment tapi malas nak edit / hide nama bagai. Huhu. Pastu ada yang komen cerita tu tak logic, well kemonnnn (kata jambu), nama pon film kan.. Habis cerita Harry Potter tu logic ke??? Kita happy-happy je, jangan emo. Ramai betul emo bila tengok cerita tau! Paling tak boleh blah kalau jenis nak relate dengan diri sendiri. Takmo-takmo. Kita tengok happy-happy je. Rugi bayar ticket (padahal mesti download je tu kannn). Hehehehehe

Tepek 1 poster! 

Cite ni Sya suka sebab Cameron Diaz ni favourite Sya. Dia kalau berlakon best gila.. Teringat cerita bad teacher, Sya gelak guling tengok! OK, cite tu tak bagos. Jangan tengok! Hahahaha. Leslie Mann pulak Sya suka tengok dia since dia berlakon cerita 17 Again dengan Zac Efron tu. Yang si Kate Upton tu Sya tak kenal. Sape dia tu?? Hahahahaha

OK, Sya pulak, bila tengok cerita The Other Woman ni, Sya macam soooo intrigued part the weird-friendship-relationship dorang nih. Hahahahaha. Weird tapi cute gila. Ala-ala  girl power gituuu. Hahahahahaha

Mark and Kate scene

Cerita ni pasal Kate (Leslie Mann) ni wife pada Mark (Nikolaj), Kate ni species naive, jenis wife yang lurus camtu. Husband dia pulak successful (he's an entrepreneur tapi dalam cerita ni most of the ideas datang from bini dia si Kate tu), so biasa la lelaki kalau successful kan.. Jenis unfaithful, women collector, kumpul mistress, macam-macam la. So Mark ni ada affair dengan Carly (Cameron Diaz). Carly ni is a career woman. Dalam cerita ni Carly ni lawyer, stylo, and dia tak tau pon yang si Mark tu dah kawen. Sampai la dia pergi buat surprise kat rumah Mark, sekali bini Mark (Kate) bukak pintu. The next day, si Kate ni pergi office Carly sebab nak confront tapi memang cute gila la. Pasal si Kate ni baik+naive kan.. Last nya diorang berkawan. Diorang berpakat nak kantoikan husband si Kate ni sekali dorang lak surprised pasal Mark rupanya ada girlfriend lain. Introducing The Other Woman; Amber (Kate Upton). Hahahahaha. Scene kat beach tu memang lawak gilee!! Elok pulak girlfriend si Mark yang sorang lagi ni (Amber tu la) pon kepala lebih kurang, teros jadik geng dorang bertiga. So plot cerita pastu is macam mana dorang bertiga ni nak balas dendam kat si Mark tu.. Best sebab dia banyak fokus kat friendship dorang bertiga. Part balas dendam tu kira bonus je la. Kalau tak balas dendam pon tak effect sangat yang penting happy ending to dorang bertiga.  

Part ni Sya agak touching la.. Terus rindu kat member-member. Uhukkk..

Sya bagi 4 bintang despite cerita tak logic. Hahaha. Pasal banyak scenes kelaka. So biasa la, kalau cerita banyak scene kelakar, tetiba selit part sedih sikit, mula la touching gile rasee. Ke Sya jek rasa camtu?? Hahahahahaha. Part paling touching masa Kate macam tetiba kesian kat husband dia Si Mark tu sampai berkonflik ngan Carly sikit, tapi pastu baru dia realized yang Mark tu memang natural sweet talker. Kira dia realize dia kena tipu lagi. Owhhh.. perempuan hati tissue. Benci benci! Hahahaha

OK, tu je. Moral of the story, jadi la insan yang faithful pasal unfaithful macam si Mark tu as described in the movie, sebenarnya shallow / empty taw. Second, be happy! Everyone deserves to be happy. Ngeeeee

p/s: Tengah tunggu loading cerita Gone Girl. Adoiii. Laju la sket! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Malas bergerak kat office? - SOLVED

Dear Diary

Assalamualaikum wbt.

Sya sekarang busy naw naw. Serious. Nak adapt ngan environment baru, kawan-kawan baru (cewahhh), tempat baru, meja baru, PC baru, semua baru la! 

So tak boleh taip panjang-panjang. Just nak cite satu problem Sya nih, dari tempat kerja lama sampai la ke sekarang, which is kalau dah duduk kat meja tu memang tak bangun-bangun dah unless nak g toilet or situation yang memang life-and-death la kata omputih. Hohohoho

Ada satu hari tu, Sya sampai cramp bontot sebab duduk lama sangat! Hamikk!!

So far dah try macam-macam alternatives. Sya pernah set timer/alarm/reminder kat handphone. Every 1 hour phone berbunyik soh bangun, stretch sikit ke hape. Tapi dah nama malas. Sya off kan jek! So method tu kira fail. Ada la methods lain. Tapi malas nak taip. Hahahahaha

So, solution sekarang is - taraaaaa...!!!!


Guna 1 cup kecik. kira lepas 3-4 teguk air jek. 

Pastu nak taknak kene la bangun pegi refill air lagi kan bila nak minum lagik. Haaa... so far ni memang paling berkesan! Sehari berapa kali ntah Sya kena bangun pegi refill air kat pantry. Tapi pantry ngan bilik Sya ni takde la jauh mana pon. Tak sampai 10 langkah. Kalau pantry nun jauh kat hujung dunia or kalau water dispenser kat pantry rosak-then nak kena menapak pulak kat floor lain, memang tak kuasa ah! Hahahahahaha

OK, tu je. Rindu blog sebenarnye.. Hehehehe

Friday, March 6, 2015

Are you a: Tea Drinker OR Coffee Drinker?

Dear Diary

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

This is too cute that I decided to put it on this blog. Hehehehe


Here’s what type of person you are based on your tea or coffee consumption:
1. Tea drinkers meditate; coffee drinkers medicate.
2. Tea drinkers are as loose as their leaves; coffee drinkers are as grounded as their beans.
3. Tea drinkers take a break; coffee drinkers need a break.
4. Tea drinkers are high-noon; coffee drinkers are morning, noon and night.
5. Tea drinkers take it slow; coffee drinkers are looking for a rush.
6. Tea drinkers are looking to kick back; coffee drinkers are looking for a kick.
7. Tea drinkers know no time constraints; coffee drinkers know to cut it off by 3 pm.
8. Tea drinkers are about rainy days; coffee drinkers are early mornings.
9. Tea drinkers see the mug half-full; coffee drinkers see it to the bottom.
10. Tea drinkers work outside the lines; coffee drinkers work to meet deadlines.
11. Tea drinkers don’t need caffeine; coffee drinkers would inject it, if possible.
12. Tea drinkers like to stew; coffee drinkers like to brew.
13. Tea drinkers bag it up; coffee drinkers like their sugar in the raw.
14. Tea drinkers like a little flavor; coffee drinkers like it extra bold.
15. Tea drinkers like it piping hot; coffee drinkers like it with the pipe.
16. Tea drinkers are fixing up; coffee drinkers need their fix.
17. Tea drinkers lie down to bed; coffee drinkers need it to get out.
18. Tea drinkers keep thoughts; coffee drinkers keep notebooks.
19. Tea drinkers eat biscuits; coffee drinkers don’t eat anything.
20. Tea drinkers ask questions; coffee drinkers answer them.
21. Tea drinkers are soothing; coffee drinkers are brooding.
22. Tea drinkers can let it wait; coffee drinkers sip their weight in coffee.
23. Tea drinkers do it for the enjoyment; coffee drinkers do it with a purpose.
24. Tea drinkers ponder; coffee drinkers argue.
25. Tea drinkers read; coffee drinkers write.
26. Tea drinkers cross wires; coffee drinkers get wired.
27. Tea drinkers need to relax; coffee drinkers don’t need the laxative.
28. Tea drinkers feel close to home; coffee drinkers are imported.
29. Tea drinkers put their hands around you; coffee drinkers’ are shaky.
30. Tea drinkers come from a box; coffee drinkers have an origin.
31. Tea drinkers are just starting out; coffee drinkers are aficionados.
32. Tea drinkers sip on a moment; coffee drinkers gulp it down.
33. Tea drinkers are strict; coffee drinkers are addicts.
34. Tea drinkers savor the day; coffee drinkers live it.
35. Tea drinkers are romance and fantasy; coffee drinkers are passion and efficiency.
36. Tea drinkers have a preference; coffee drinkers don’t discriminate.
37. Tea drinkers are found in libraries; coffee drinkers are found in bookshops.
38. Tea drinkers spill the milk; coffee drinkers spill the beans.
39. Tea drinkers are imaginative; coffee drinkers are productive.
40. Tea drinkers are high-society; coffee drinkers are low-brow.
41. Tea drinkers blow on their tea, coffee drinkers exhale cigarette smoke.
42. Tea drinkers will double-bag it; coffee drinkers will give you a double shot.
43. Tea drinkers don’t mind it too weak; coffee drinkers don’t mind it too bold.
44. Tea drinkers know what’s buzz-worthy; coffee drinkers know a good buzz.
45. Tea drinkers like fine china; coffee drinkers are fine with paper.
46. Tea drinkers have some spice; coffee drinkers have some bitterness.
47. Tea drinkers steep in their cups; coffee drinkers get deep inside.
48. Tea drinkers simmer just fine; coffee drinkers get heated.
49. Tea drinkers stir the pot; coffee drinkers warm up to you.
50. Tea drinkers comfort you when you’re sick; coffee drinkers comfort you when you’re tired.

Sya - coffee drinker. Hehehehehe, Tapi sekarang tengah nak switch to tea. Reason - sebab makin hari, makin tak cukup. Mula-mula 1 cup je, then naik jadi 1 cup morning, 1 cup after lunch. Takleh jadi nih... Kalau takde coffee, satu keje pon tak boleh buat. Bulan puasa dah dekat. Better practice sekarang. Huhuhu